Old School Homeschool

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The spawn have been taking a weekly science class up on 181st at a place called Storefront Science. There are live animals to watch and sometimes hold (when certain chronic-homeschoolers aren't hogging), and specimens, and a brilliant teacher (Dr. Ardizzone). They've learned the five kingdom classifications of organisms (Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia). They have met "Mrs. Gren" -- a device to remember the seven activities of living things (movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion (my kids were stoked to tell me about that one), and nutrition). Today they watched the dissection of a sponge (apparently it eats, breaths, and excretes from the same hole -- also stoked to share this with me), and learned about a microscope before using it to view slices of the sponge. Next week the focus is worms, as they move along through more complex animals. Dr. A is such an efficient teacher, and the class so small, that I feel like the male specimen and the female specimen have learned more science in the past couple of weeks then they did during a few years in public school. 

When not giggling about excretion, we've been kickin' it old school around here.  While I know that cursive is OUT ("That instruction time is used now for learning keyboarding," I heard when helping with a school tour last year), I think it's a valuable thing to learn, or at least quaint and novel... I picked up these workbooks when we were at Bank Street

And they've been rollerskating. 

Inquiry: if rollerskates are being left behind for rollerblades, and cursive for keyboarding, what's the "upgrade" for authentic curiosity driven by Science?  Test prep?