Equally Appreciative

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today I contemplated what things we would still be able to do once the kids were back in school, and what things strictly happened during school hours. This came about because we went to the Gotham Jazzmen concert. Always at noon. So, this was the last one the kids will attend. I hope that they soaked in all that great music... and all that great old-people-ness. 

The truth of the matter is this: many of the things that we did this year could totally happen after school, BUT there are only so many hours after school... and once we're out of school for the day and ready for an adventure, so are all the other boys and girls, so no longer will we have those neat moments of exploring places without lines or crowds. But I will focus on the fact that many, many things that we've done can indeed happen on weekends or after school. We will just need to be good time managers and always aware of priorities. 

The Girl started another pottery session today, so The Boy and I showed Nana (my mom is still in town) Bank Street Bookstore. They didn't have the book we needed (Swallowdale -- the second Swallows and Amazons book), and when the employee asked if she could order it for us I hesitated. Of course the thought came to me that I could just order it myself... and it might even be less expensive. But then I said, "Yes." As she took my information we chatted, and I told her of my moment of weakness. "No, you always have to order through us! I'm glad that you know it's important to support the independent bookstore!" she said. And then she followed it up by saying that while books are very clear to her, she finds herself not supporting the local shoe stores. 

I know it was just a quip, but I've been thinking about that. I think that perhaps partly it's because bookstores do more than sell things -- they provide a place to be. The Boy and I could not have hung out at a shoe store week after week. A place to be. A place where you can spend hours and always find something new to do, something new to learn, something new to be. And be enfolded in with the others who are turning pages, or shelving, or reading back covers, or plopping down on the floor and shamelessly reading a book from front to back. 

We all know that bookstores are on the endangered species list. But schools are not -- they will always be places were people will come together, and form a community, and turn pages amongst others who are also turning pages. 

There are great things that come from homeschooling in a city like New York; there are great things that come from attending school. If asked today which I prefer, or which one I think is "better," I would say that I'm 50/50. 

Tomorrow's the last day of school...