Here's a Story of a Storm Named Sandy

Monday, October 29, 2012

Public school was cancelled today because of Sandy, so my kids opined that we, too, should have the opportunity to sit around and be bored... I wagged my finger and explained that they would just have to make it up in the summer... and then promptly sat down and began my long destructive path through our emergency food -- bags of Halloween candy. 

The email from the home school folks suggested talking about weather and atmosphere and pressure... etc... I went only so far as having them watch this cute video from Brain Pop. Know your enemy. 

Our strategy is to batten down the hatches and have a Brady Bunch marathon. Say what you will about that show, but having now seen a bunch of crap Disney Chanel TV while staying at hotels I will say this: at least the kids aren't always trying to out-smart-alec each other, and the parents don't always seem to be the thickest, most-dismissable humans on the planet (that's the role of Alice -- the hired help). The Brady Bunch provides an example of: working together, staying calm (man, they are cool to the old prospector who locks them in the ghost-town jail: It's okay, we understand why you locked us up and stole our car... just gave us an opportunity to practice our problem-solving skills...), and laughing at cheesy jokes no matter how stifling all that family-togetherness is -- exactly the modeling that we'll need now that The Dad has safely returned home from work and most of our elevators have been shut down.

I did go on a little walk this morning -- there was a feeling of expectation, a lot of people getting their dogs walked, and quite a bit of wind. Nobody seems particularly panicked here in the city -- we had our rehearsal a year ago with Irene.