Documenting and justifying our year off the grid... home schooling... city schooling... "the scheme"... sabbatical year... Whatever the three of you reading this blog want to refer to it as...
Anything to Get out of Shopping
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Considering it's winter break we started off all sorts of academically-competitive what with piano and math knocked out by 11:00... but The Boy kept slinking back to his bed. After some snarky things said by both parties (I might have accused him of faking it to get out of going to Anthropologie to check out the sale; he might have accused me of not letting him do whatever he wanted when every other kid in the world had the day off; I might have countered by explaining that he's pretty much "had the day off" since September; etc.) I thought to check his temperature... sure enough, a 102-fever. By this evening he felt well enough to hang out on the couch and be half-heartedly silly, so hopefully it's a bug that was drastically weakened by the super-human quantities of chocolate and carbs that the host-body consumed yesterday.
Once we get back up to speed we will build some of the Christmas spoils into the curriculum.
Hell Pigs: I'll home school when hell freezes over; I'll blog when pigs fly All rights reserved © Blog Milk Powered by Blogger