Documenting and justifying our year off the grid... home schooling... city schooling... "the scheme"... sabbatical year... Whatever the three of you reading this blog want to refer to it as...
I-I Kids Making a Video
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I decided to take my own tip from yesterday's post and accept the fact that the academic acumen of my entire generation is largely dependent on the resources we glean from the internet. And so to YouTube we trotted. Whilst working on other math skills we are also trying to figure out Roman Numerals. After looking at a few boring clips, we hit the mother load with this beauty. The kids thought it was so funny that they watched it several times and are in the process of creating their own video with the higher numerals. The Girl has been writing the theme song ("The Birds of Math" -- with lyrics like: "X starlings they were perching... XX owls they were sleeping... L hawks they were diving... C pigeons they were walking... D geese they were preening... M falcons they were soaring..."), Judd the Red Chicken listened to various karaoke/back-up music options to buy for 99 cents on iTunes that he could set the song to. He stood by the computer and swiveled his hips around before deciding what song would work best (Frankie Valli's "Big Girls Don't Cry" sans vocals is what made the cut). He also completely ticked off the song writer by telling her "It's great, I'll use some of the material." To which she replied: "Some of the material? SOME? I about broke my hand writing all of that..." (it is over three pages long). Ahhh... these artistic geniuses... Should be gr-VIII!
It was my turn to go under the drill today for phase one of the marathon dental plan, so The Dad took the kiddos on a nature hike through Central Park to gain the edge on one of the Junior Ranger programs that we'll be doing on our next trip. The man has laser-like focus.
For whatever patch they are working towards they also needed to design a flag.
The Girl's:
And The Boy's:
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