Preparations Are in Full Swing

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today the Sister and the kids made those ginger cookies because we are (pathetically) hoping that they ward off the vomit genies that live in our car and possess my children. For we are going on a crazy-long road trip tomorrow. 

The Girl created some games that we can play in the car and/or the hotels. One of them is comprised of a bunch of postage-stamp-sized pictures. In case you are wondering, these are pictures of The Sister -- now, and when she's old. 

The Boy had to pull things together for his pets. He helped clean his fish tank and then ran the key and a feeding reminder poster up to our neighbor who so kindly agreed to fish-sit (say that one ten times fast). He also helped clean the hermit crab habitat and created this tri-fold "manual" for our friends who invited Winter to be a guest for over two weeks (particularly kind considering he's a rather naughty hermit crab). 

Reporting from the field for the next two weeks.