Cross-Country Snake/Monster

Monday, February 18, 2013

And Art Camp continues -- much to The Girl's great satisfaction.  Two 9-year old boys playing intense Play-Mobil and drawing museum plans also continues -- much to The Girl's significant dissatisfaction, as her plans are usually poo-pooed (note: NOT a phrase I would ever use around 9-year old boys). 

A catch-up on the projects:

Still-life Painting -- (Focus: blending colors: "Is that what color it REALLY is?" and using the brush and paint to create texture and depth.)

Clay fish -- (Sculpey clay into a wooden mold; baked for 45 minutes; watercolored; glazed with the Sculpey glaze.)

More felting -- The Girl is rather addicted.  Any time there is a lull she is suggesting another felting project.  She created another animal, blankets,  and pillows. They worked together to create a felted patch-work-y monster/snake (it was supposed to be a snake for The Year of the Snake/Chinese New Year, but somehow The Girl -- as the resident felting boss -- demanded that legs be added). Snake/Monster is currently hanging over our breakfast bar and the plan is to write silly stories about him and ship him back and forth between here and Seattle every month. 

His travels to and fro will not only be a writing project, but a symbol of what the cousins created together. Families that felt together stick together.