1 Hermit crab passed off to amazing family friend
1 Goldfish named Soupy (should be named Survivor) passed off to same amazing family friend (who carried said pets across approximately 1/5 the width of Manhattan)
1 Key given to upstairs friend who so nicely agreed to feed fish in tank
1 Clean apartment (against all odds -- this morning it looked like the apartment of mafia folks who had been checked out by some rookie cops wanting to make a statement... except our apartment isn't nice like a mafia family's apartment, so that was just stupid)
8 Carry-on bags/personal items -- most likely crammed with nothing that we will actually need/use
5 Bags to be checked
2 Sweaty, sunburned kids + 1 sweet teenager who just came back from the park
1 Sweaty and already worn out mom
In about an hour we are getting picked up by The Dad and starting our journey towards JFK, until then we are going to find our Zen place by reading Harry Potter. I will be updating when I can. Cheerio!
Hell Pigs: I'll home school when hell freezes over; I'll blog when pigs fly All rights reserved © Blog Milk Powered by Blogger