Documenting and justifying our year off the grid... home schooling... city schooling... "the scheme"... sabbatical year... Whatever the three of you reading this blog want to refer to it as...
Saturday, June 15, 2013
We have been trying to get back into some sort of motion that resembles swing... of things... Going through the bags was an all day affair. Laundry, so much laundry. And where do we put all the random little things???
And everybody keeps waking up at 5:30am.
And The Girl and I have gotten brutal colds that have left our noses horribly raw and our noggins thick with fog. But I'm trying not to complain -- if we have to be sick -- this is the time. It didn't ruin our trip and hopefully we will be over it before we have family come next week.
The kids don't seem to remember what a multiplication fact is (thank goodness for The Educated Monkey...), or how to play the piano.
One thing that I want to document: when you visit France, travel with a pack of plastic spoons and a pack of paper cups in your bag. This way you can buy large bottles of drinks, and use the cups -- this will save quite a bit of euros, and be better on the environment. The plastic spoons are so you can buy yogurt for snacks. And by yogurt, I mean a specific kind -- the kind that comes in these darling, dish-washer-safe crocks.
The only thing that made doing laundry somewhat tolerable was discovering these little beauties that I had folded in among the clothes. I've got a thing for getting free dishes when you buy food. Slap a French word on there ("dairymaid" I'm told) and it's a slam-dunk.
Hell Pigs: I'll home school when hell freezes over; I'll blog when pigs fly All rights reserved © Blog Milk Powered by Blogger